Social Media Monitoring Apps Medicine

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Mention is a social media and web monitoring tool. The media monitoring tool provides real-time alerts for a company's keyword and allows users to monitor millions of sources in real time and in 42 languages. Mention can be accessed from a mobile app or the web-based app.

Social Media Monitoring Tools | Mention ✪ Monitoring Made Simple
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Mention monitors the web and social media, including the sites Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram. It delivers alerts in real time by push notifications or email. Mention lets you create alerts for keywords and common misspellings. Mention can be accessed as a web-based app or by the app for "PC, Mac, Linux, Chrome, Android and iOS mobile devices."

Mention gives access to team members to share alerts or delegate assignments to respond to specific alerts.

Mention is used across a variety of industries by companies such as Microsoft, Github, and Crunchbase. Marketing, PR teams and sales teams also use it to see what is being said about their competition online and on social media.

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Mention is a media monitoring company with offices in New York and Paris. The company was founded in April 2012.

In 2013, Buffer partnered with Mention. The partnership allows users to monitor mentions of their brand and share them with all their social accounts via Buffer.

In 2014, Mention added around 20,000 users, reporting a total of 170,000 users.

Social Media Monitoring Tools | Mention ✪ Monitoring Made Simple
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Competing companies in the media monitoring and social media monitoring space include:

  • Google Alerts sends the user alerts whenever a keyword or phrase is cited on the web, not on social media.
  • Talkwalker where users can monitor their name, brand, competitors and relevant topics.
  • Trackur which offers monitoring of social media and mainstream news, including Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and the ability to respond to mentions.

Source of the article : Wikipedia



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